Biddick Bake Off Competition – European Day of Languages 2021

Sunday 26th September was the latest edition of the annual European Day of Languages – an occasion celebrated by several hundred thousand people in Europe, in thousands of organised events across the continent. The essence of the occasion is to celebrate both our similarities and our differences, and raise the profile of the importance and enjoyment of discovering new cultures through language, and gaining a deeper understanding of our own culture along the way.

To celebrate the day at Biddick Academy, the MFL faculty launched its second ever European-themed Bake Off competition, exactly 3 years after its first one and, once again, well over 30 students blew staff away with the quality and quantity of cakes and other delights entered.

After several days of deliberation, and a rallying call to all staff in school to help with the decision, the winning entries were awarded in the following categories staff winners, Head Teacher’s winner, Head of Faculty’s winner, best effort and most creative.

So many eye-catching, quirky and creative ideas were showcased; monuments, flags, canals, landscapes, national dishes…all sorts. We just want to thank each and every student for giving the day such a spark and putting their time and effort into such an important occasion for respect, open-mindedness and appreciation of all cultures.

All students have been rewarded in some way with Biddick shop goodies, reward points, or vouchers.