In Key Stage 3, a wide variety of techniques are explored including drawing, painting, textiles, 3D studies and digital media. Pupils are able to explore and develop ideas, think creatively using the design process whilst learning about the formal elements of art including proportion, space, depth, colour theory and composition.
A range of materials, techniques and processes are used including clay and glazes, painting, photoshop, fabrics, dyes and embroidery to name but a few.
In Key Stage 4, students are invited to advance upon processes introduced at key stage three to develop their confidence and creativity. Specialist disciplines covered at Biddick Academy include Edexcel GCSE Fine Art – Drawing and Painting, GCSE Textiles, GSCE Digital Art – Graphic Communication, GCSE Art & Design and GCSE Photography.
Curriculum Information
Furry Friend
Drawing and Painting Project
3D Clay Tile inspired by Chris Gryder
Clay Work Project
Monster Neck Cushion
Textiles Project
Creative Letters
Drawing & Painting Project
Day of the Dead Mask
3D Project
Bag project
Textiles Project.
Rotation of 4 projects across the 39 weeks
Project 1
Portraits in the style of Big Eye Art
Drawing and Painting Project
Project 2
3D Sculpture
Clay pot project
Project 3
Bucket Hat
Textiles Project
Project 4
Graffiti Art
Digital Art Project
Key Stage 4
Coursework 1:
Fine Art Still Life Project
Art & Design- Distorted Faces Project
Textiles – Identity Project
Digital Art -Identity Project
Coursework 2:
Fine Art – Heroes & Villains Project
Art & Design- Identity Project
Textiles – Our World Project
Digital Art – Song Lyrics Project
Coursework 3:
Fine Art- View Through a Window Project
Art & Design- Power Project
Art, craft & design:
Externally set 10hr exam
Sustained project review
Still life review
Externally set 10hr exam
Coursework Review