
Your wellbeing is a top priority at Biddick Academy and we understand the pressure of Academy life can sometimes feel over whelming. We want to encourage you to talk to someone about your feelings, to help put things into perspective and to help relieve some of those pressures.

There are lots of people in school who can help if you have any questions or concerns related to life in school or life outside of school.

Everyone in school has access to their Form Tutor, their Head of Year and their Assistant Head of Year. You can talk to them about any worries that you have. They can also help direct you to someone who may be able to help further. You might also want to speak with a class teacher or another trusted adult in school who might be able to spend some time with you.


What is RSHE?

RSHE stands for Relationships, Sex & Health Education. The purpose of RSHE is to ‘help children and young people to be safe, healthy and happy as they grow up and in their future lives.’ (Sex Education Forum)

At Biddick Academy, RSHE is usually covered in Personal Development lessons. Much of the content is also covered in specialist assemblies and workshops. Some aspects of the RSE curriculum are covered as part of science. The teaching of RSHE must be a partnership between schools and parents/ carers. It is important that you know what is being taught and when, so that you can anticipate and follow your child’s learning , as well as adding your own input at home.