Summer School 2021

From 19th – 23rd July, 176 students from various feeder primary schools from the Washington area took part in Biddick Academy’s Tokyo 2020 themed Summer School. Students were split into small groups which were named after Biddick Academy’s core values of curiosity, aspiration, readiness and resilience and were tasked with incorporating these values into the activities they took part in over the course of the week. Students completed various numeracy and literacy based tasks in order to help prepare them for taking the next step in their education in September, including a maths themed scavenger hunt, Olympic top trumps, poetry and descriptive writing. Furthermore, they completed a number of competitive activities designed to help them to meet students from different primary schools whilst developing their team building skills including Smoothie Bike competitions, orienteering and mastering their way through Biddick Academy’s Crystal Maze!

On Thursday and Friday students visited Moor House Adventure Centre in Durham where they took part in orienteering, bush craft and climbing – putting their resilience to the test to make it to the top of the climbing wall before the teachers!

Students were impeccably behaved throughout the entire week and showed enthusiasm and determination to succeed in every activity they completed. We look forward to welcoming them to Biddick Academy in September!