
Please click on the link to access the relevant policy

Accessibility Plan

Accounting Policy

Admissions Policy 2024


Attendance & Registration Policy

Behaviour Policy

CEIAG and Provider Access Policy

Charging Remissions Policy

Competitive Tendering Policy

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy 2024-25

Drugs Policy

ECT Induction policy

Educational Visits and Trips Policy

FOI Model Publication Scheme

First Aid Policy

LAC Policy

Premises Management Policy

Privacy Notice for Students

Racist Incident Policy

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy

Remote Education Provision Website

Remote Learning Parent Guide

Remote Learning Student Guide and Code of Conduct

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Social Media Parents/Carers Policy 2024

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions

Treasury Management Policy

Uniform Policy

Weapons Policy

Whistleblowing Policy


  • The school’s charging policy conforms to the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1998.
  • For academy visits which are a basic part of the curriculum there should be no charge. However, where this would amount to a cancellation on the grounds of cost, we may request a voluntary contribution from parents.
  • No pupil will be excluded from a visit for not bringing a contribution. All teachers deal sensitively and discreetly with all such matters.

Access Fund Application


Risk Assessments

Biddick Academy Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Testing Covid Risk Assessment – March 2021

Privacy Notice – COVID19 testing onsite

Privacy Notice – COVID19 testing at home – students

Privacy Notice – COVID19 testing at home – staff